

  Well hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. In today's lesson, we're gonna have a little bit of fun.

  大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道、今天的课程我们肯定会玩得很开心的。

  We are going to perfect your pronunciation of over fifty English words with silent letters in them. Silent letters are pains, aren't they?


  A few weeks ago I shared a lesson of over a hundred words, all with silent consonant letters in them but today we're going to focus on silent vowel letters. Now I'm not going to lie, English vowels and vowel sounds are definitely tricky.


  We have five vowel letters A, E, I, O and U and the letter Y, the consonant Y, can sometimes represent a vowel sound too but we've got many more vowel sounds in English right? And of course, the same letter can represent different sounds.


  Often you see vowel letters together in words even though it only makes one sound. It's very confusing and as you'll see today sometimes vowel letters can be completely silent as well.


  So please, please get ready to practise out loud with me, it will do you absolutely no good watching. You need to get your tongue and your mouth comfortable with the sounds that we're making today and familiar with what you see on screen.


  Something that you may not know about me is that February is my favourite month of the whole year. I love February because I was born in February so I get to celebrate my birthday in February and by the way thank you to all of you who sent lovely birthday wishes from all around the world this year.


  You absolutely made my day. February is also home to Valentine's Day which has just passed us by.


  If you do celebrate Valentine's Day, I hope that you received something special from someone who loves or admires you this year or at least had some excuse and reason to eat chocolate and drink wine.

  And if you don't celebrate, well that's okay because the February love continues through our beautiful friends at Lingoda who are kindly offering anyone who watches mmmEnglish a twenty per cent discount on their monthly subscriptions and marathon courses.

  如果你庆祝情人节的话,我希望你今年有从爱你的人那里收到特别的礼物,或者至少有一些借口和理由吃点巧克力,喝点葡萄酒。如果不庆祝的话,那也没什么问题,因为二月的爱还在我们的好朋友 Lingoda 这里延续,他们为观看 mmmEnglish 的所有人提供每月订阅和马拉松课程20%的折扣。

  Thanks guys! That's so nice!


  As you know, Lingoda is an online language school offering classes in English, business English, Spanish, French and German and all their classes run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They have a really well-structured curriculum to help you get certified and to reach your language goals fast.

  如你所知,Lingoda 是一所在线语言学校,提供英语、商务英语、西班牙语、法语和德语的课程,所有课程每周7天每天24小时都有。他们的课程结构非常合理,可帮助你获得认证,并快速达到你的语言目标。

  And of course, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home which makes Lingoda one hundred per cent pyjama friendly. You've got to love that part too, right?

  当然,你完全可以在自己舒适的家中中完成所有课程,所以 Lingoda 是完全睡衣友好的。你肯定喜欢这样,对吧?

  So this special twenty per cent discount offer is available only until the 1st of March so if you're keen to get involved, I'll put the link down in the description below and if you use this code at the checkout, you can share the love too. Thank you!


  Let's start with the letter A. Of course, we start with the letter A, we always do, don't we?


  Basically, we'd like bread to be rolled down the aisle. Despite the fact that that was a ridiculous sentence there are three examples of a silent letter A in that sentence.


  Can you see them? Basically, we'd like bread to be rolled down the aisle.


  Basically. Bread. Aisle. There are lots of times like in the word bread and aisle where A doesn't really need to be there at all because it doesn't affect the sound that we make.

  基本上。面包。走道。在很多情况下,像面包和过道这种词根本不需要字母 A,因为它不会影响我们的发音。

  Bread may as well be written as /bred/, right, and aisle may as well be /ail/. Aesthetic doesn't need that A either. Aesthetic.

  面包也可以写为/bred/,过道也可以写为/ail/。Asthetic 也不需要一个 A。审美的。

  The thing is, there's no real way of knowing until you hear that word spoken out loud or perhaps you check the phonemic script in any good dictionary. If you've watched this lesson up here about English vowel sound pronunciation then you'll be able to recognise exactly which English sounds are being shown here.


  Then you can feel certain that you're correct in your pronunciation, that bread is pronounced bread and not braid or breed or bre-ad. There is one silent A that you can definitely rely on and that is words that end in -ically, of which there are many just like basically.

  然后你就可以确定自己的发音是正确的,面包的发音是/bred/,而不是 braid,breed 或bre-ad。你可以确定的是,以-ically结尾的单词的A是不发音的,有很多类似的单词,比如说 basically。

  The A is always silent in those endings so when it's spoken naturally it sounds like /ikli/ rather than /ikali/. Listen.


  You've got basically, logically, politically, automatically, specifically. Now I want you to try a few with me okay.


  Musically, frantically, chaotically. You got it?


  Fabulous! Now the letter E is an interesting one.


  It's definitely the most common silent vowel letter in English and there are some useful not rules but let's say guidelines to help you pronounce words with silent E's in them correctly. The letter E is usually silent when it's at the end of a word and one of the key exceptions there is if the E is the only vowel sound in the word so for example he she we be me.

  这绝对是英语中最常见的不发音元音字母,我这里有一些有用的,可能算不上规则,但可以说是一些指导原则,可以帮助你正确地发出里面有不发音字母 E 的单词。字母E通常在单词结尾时是不发音的,这里有一个很重要的例外,如果E是单词中唯一的元音,比如说他、她、我们、是、我。

  Right? If it's the only vowel sound, it's the only syllable we need to pronounce it. The rest of the time if you see an E at the end of a word, then we don't pronounce it just like in the word taste.


  You can see that there are two vowel letters in this word right? Here and here.


  Taste. Clue.


  Bake. Imagine.


  All of those words have a silent E at the end. We don't hear it.


  But it is not completely pointless. That silent E does often change the vowel sound that comes before it.


  And I've got a few examples to help you think about this a little. So if we look at the word hop, as soon as we add that E to the end, it becomes hope.


  So that vowel sound extends outwards, hop, hope. The same with hid, we add that E, it becomes hide.

  这样,元音进行延伸了,跳动,希望。Hid 也是一样的,加上一个 E,就变成了 hide。

  And sit becomes site. So that E, although we don't hear it specifically, it does impact the sound that comes before it.

  Sit 变成了 site。因此,尽管我们听不到E的发音,但它确实会影响到它前面的发音。

  I've got a few more words with silent E's to practise with you. Are you ready?

  我还有一些词汇和大家一起练习不发音的 E。准备好了吗?

  Try vegetable. So can you see where that silent E is?


  You don't hear me say veg-etable, just vegetable. Try clothes.


  This is definitely a tricky one to pronounce but we don't want to hear clo-thes, clo-thes is incorrect. We only want to hear clothes.

  这绝对是一个很难的发音,但是我们不想听到clo-thes,clo-thes是不对的。我们听到的是 clothes。

  Bridge. So it's not bridgey or bridge.

  桥梁。不是 bridgey 或 bridge。

  Bridge. Bridge. Just one syllable. And plaque or plaque depending on which native English speaker you're talking to.


  I say plaque but it's definitely not pla-que or plaque. Of course, and the silent E in -ed endings in English.

  我说的是匾牌,但绝对不是pla-que 或 plaque。当然,英语中以-ed结尾的不发音的E。

  The letter E can often be silent when it's a regular past tense verb. All of those verbs end in -ed right?

  如果是规则动词过去时的话,E 一般是不发音的。所有这些动词都以-ed结尾,对吧?

  In words like fazed, sighed, played, baked, asked, wrapped. In all of those examples, that last E is silent.


  We don't hear it. And I know that this can be tricky for some of you, my Spanish and my Portuguese learners in particular but luckily for you, I have a whole lesson dedicated to pronouncing past tense regular verbs correctly.


  It's right up here if you want to head to it. I'll also link to it at the end of this lesson.


  Now the letter I is not usually silent but there are a few common English words where it is in words like fruit, suit, juice, cruise. In all of these words, we don't pronounce that I sound so it's not fru-it or su-it or ju-ice or cru-ise.

  字母 I 一般都是发音的,但是有一些常见的英语单词,例如水果,西服,果汁,邮轮。在所有这些词中,我们都不会把 I 音给发出来,所以不是fru-it,su-it,ju-ice 或 cru-ise。

  Okay we just use that /u: / vowel sound. Fruit.


  Suit. Juice.


  Cruise. Now the word parliament has a silent I as well, parliament.

  游轮。现在,议会一词也有一个不发音的 I。

  That unstressed syllable in there. Parliament. And business has a silent I as well.

  非重读音节。议会。商业一词也有不发音的 I。

  Business. But what makes that word even more confusing is that there is an E sound in there though it's represented by the letter U.

  商业。但是,让这个词更加令人困惑的是,里面有一个 E 的音,尽管是用字母 U 表示的。

  Practise saying it out loud with me. Business.


  All right let's talk about the silent letter O. We see it in words like enough, rough, tough, I mean there are several silent letters in each of those words right.


  The silent G, the silent H but for the vowel sound, just a simple U would suffice, wouldn't it? I want you to practise out loud with me.


  Enough. Rough.


  Tough. Now you've probably heard the word people enough to know just ignore that O, right?

  坚硬的。你可能听过“人”这个词很多次,以至于会忽略了这个 O,对吧?

  People. There's also a silent O in leopard and jeopardy.


  We usually say that something is in jeopardy when it's in trouble or it's likely to be damaged. It was in that moment he realised his career was in jeopardy.


  Was that a new word for you? Well then, let's see if you can use it in a sentence.


  I want you to share that sentence down in the comments with me just to double check that you've got that new word, how to use it and the meaning accurate. The security guard and his colleague guessed whose guitar it was.


  Don't feel guilty if you can't guess this one. You might need to be able to see it before you can guess it.


  The security guard and his colleague guessed whose guitar it was. It's that letter U and that letter U can be silent in lots of English words, really common ones especially when it's after G.


  I want you to try these ones with me. Guess.


  Guard. Guide.


  Guitar. Guilt.


  Tongue. Colleague.


  Guarantee. Okay listen up because I've got a little bonus pronunciation tip here for you.


  She plays the guitar beautifully wonderfully carefully. So what do you notice about all of those three words at the end there?


  Beautifully. Wonderfully.


  Carefully. I'm not pronouncing that U, am I?


  And this is really common for native English speakers to just drop that little vowel syllable out of there. When we're using words, adverbs that are exactly like this that end in -fully, we usually drop that U.

  对于以英语为母语的人来说,把那个小元音音节省略是很常见的。当我们使用单词时,类似于这样以-fully 结尾的副词,我们通常会不发U的音。

  Beautifully. Wonderfully.


  Carefully. Now it's not wrong to pronounce that syllable.


  It's unstressed anyway but it's definitely more natural and relaxed to drop that extra little syllable out. Forget that U.

  它是不发音的,但是把那个额外的小音节的音给省掉个更加自然的,发音起来也更加舒服。把那个 U 给忘了吧。

  All right so now we've been through lots of examples of silent vowel letters in common English words. Now it's time for some practice.


  So I've got some sentences ready and I want you to practise out loud with me okay? He wrapped his mother's present carefully so she couldn't guess what was inside.


  You try it. He wrapped his mother's present carefully so she couldn't guess what was inside.


  They spilled vegetable juice all over their new clothes. Try it.


  They spilled vegetable juice all over their new clothes. My colleague hasn't worn a suit since she worked in parliament four years ago.


  Try it. My colleague hasn't worn a suit since she worked in parliament four years ago.


  They hadn't a clue that he basically tried to claim the cruise as a business trip. Your turn.


  They hadn't a clue that he basically tried to claim the cruise as a business trip. We're guilty because our laws weren't tough enough and now the leopards are in jeopardy.


  Try it. We're guilty because our laws weren't tough enough and now the leopards are in jeopardy.


  Yeah! Nice work! We went through over fifty words with silent vowel letters in it just then.


  Not a complete list by any stretch at all but we definitely ticked off lots of the most common ones and this is specifically to help you sound more natural and relaxed as you're speaking in English. Get that pronunciation right.


  Now if you enjoyed the lesson, make sure you let me know by hitting the subscribe button, giving the lesson a like. I always love to hear your comments down below.


  Make sure you drop one down there and if you happen to miss my lesson on silent consonant letters or maybe you want to go back and you want to review it again now that you've watched this one, you can get that right here and you can also find my past tense verb pronunciation lesson as well just down there.

  一定要留下自己的评论哦,如果你碰巧错过了我关于不发音辅音字母的课程,或者你想回去看看,想再次复习一下的话,你可以在这里找到, 也可以在这里找到我关于动词过去式的发音课程。
