
allow [ə\'lau] vt.1. 允许,准许,容许,许可,任,让,由:例句: They allowed the children to go to the park.他们让孩子们到公园去allowblank。to allow a student to be absent允许一名学生缺席2. 允给,允许有,让与,让…得到,给与:例句: to allow a person $200 for expenses让每人得到200美元作花费She allowed herself no meat and sweets.她克制自己不吃肉和糖果。3. 允许进入,让…进入,准入;准停留,允许…停留:例句: Cats and dogs are not allowed.猫狗不准入内。4. 承认(权利、要求等);认可:例句: I must allow that she is capable.我得承认她很能干。to allow a claim承认要求正当5. 酌增,酌加;酌减;酌留:例句: to allow half an hour for changing trains酌留半小时的换车时间You must allow for shrinkage.你得算好布会缩水。6. (尤指由于疏忽而)听凭,听任:例句: Jack had allowed himself to become fat.杰克听任自己发胖。to allow a door to remain open任凭门还敞着7. [美国方言](作为个人意见)提出,说,认为,声称:例句: I allowed it was not too late to go.我认为那时去为时不算太晚。打算,计划,想要:例句: We allowed to go to the library.我们打算到图书馆去。8. [古语]同意,批准vi.1. 容许某事发生(或存在);容许(常与of连用):例句: a premise that allow of only one conclusion假设容许只有一个结论to spend more than one\'s budget allows花费超过某人预算所能容许2. [美国方言]认为;猜想



allow 及物动词1)允许,准许,同义词:permit, let例句:She allowed me to interview her.她允许我采访她。2)同意给,给予(金钱或时间)例句:They allow their son too much pocket money.他们给儿子的零用钱太多了。3)允许......进入(或停留),同义词:admit例句:They don\'t allow dogs in the museum.他们不允许狗进入博物馆。4)承认,同义词:admit, accept例句:We must allow that he is a good doctor.我们必须承认他是个好医生。考点搭配:allow for 考虑到,体谅,为......留有余地例句:Allow for the plane being late,I think it would be better to take the high-speed railway.考虑到飞机会晚点,我认为乘坐高铁比较好。allow of 容许,容许有......的可能,同义词:permit of例句:All these matters allow of only one solution.所有这些问题只能有一个解决方案。注意:只有事物做主语时,才能用allow / permit of。相关的词:allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱(可数名词)allowable 形容词,允许的,可承认的。考点搭配:make allowance(s) for 考虑到,体谅,同义词:allow forallow me 让我来例如:allow me to explain 请容许我解释一下allow 和allowance 的区别:allow 是动词,allowance是名词,两个词都有“体谅“,“考虑”的意思,但allow有“允许”的意思,而allowance没有“允许”的意思。



 1)allow作“允许”或“许可”讲,常搭用动词不定式短语作宾语补足语即,allow do sth.允许某人做某事。

例如①We were allowed to smoke in this room only.我们只许在这间屋子里抽烟.②Please allow me to carry your bag. 请让我替你拿包.

③My boss doesn\'t allow me to use the telephone.我的老板不允许我用电话.

2)allow 作“许可”,“允许”讲,只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接搭用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说 allow doing sth.,不可说allow to do sth.

  ①Smoking is not allowed here.


  ②They allowed smoking in this room only.


  3)allow还常与 out,in,up等副词搭配使用,即 allow等.

  ①She won\'t allow the children in until they\'ve wiped their shoes.


  ②She is not allowed out after dark.


  ③The patient was allowed up after ten days.
