
《LA lune》(我的月亮)夹杂了很多金属乐placemoon,其实《la luna》(月光女神)中的音乐都很好。 《harem》(一千零一夜)让人想起古埃及的星光。 《IT’S a wonderful world》似乎描绘了碧蓝天空之下的美好生活。 《The war is over》温馨的唱出了渴望世界和平的心愿。 《Stranger in papadise》如同教堂的圣歌。 《Winter in july》比较欢快。 《A whiter shade of pate》是典型的巴洛克音乐,是我的最爱哈~~ 《la califfa》和《Here with me 》风格比较相近,舒缓有点赞歌的味道,只不过前者更悲伤一些。 还有《伊甸园》《剧院魅影》系列都很棒。其实她的代表作品网上很少。


dear diana: hi ,i am peter,the moive cj7 is going to be on at moon theatre in Saturday evening,steven chow is the chief actor,i am his super fans.would you want to go to see the movie with me at 20:00 Saturday evening?by the way ,except steven chow ,dongjie,xujiao also play a part in this movie. yours peter