总而言之,喜欢吃火锅,是因为不论从感官感受还是精神内涵来说,这都是一种无比体贴而伟大的美食火锅用英语怎么说。
1。喜欢吃火锅的直观原因就是火锅好吃,这是被一代代人肯定,被历史滤得的美味。
2。不同温度的喜好因人而异,温度很大程度影响了人对食物的评价,而火锅既能滚烫又能提供微凉,所以火锅适宜各种人群,这是一种体贴的美食。
3。吃火锅能尝到多种味道和食材,可以是原汁原味的,也可以是调味丰富的,喜欢什么就多煮一点,忌讳什么就不煮什么,不影响整体菜品。既不必浪费,也不必将就。
4。火锅的汤料大多是滋补的,即使辣也力避让食客上火。体贴味蕾,更体贴健康。
5。火锅是团圆与情感的象征,能给予人们家一般的安宁与幸福,扫除心中的孤独,火锅既是美食又是一种具有凝聚力的文化机制。
6。食物刚出火锅的原汁原味和朴实无华能唤醒行于尘世的人最初的价值观,单纯无味的食物沾染了不同的调料有了不同的味道,世人能从中看见自己的影子。同时世人也会视其为一种警醒――应该以怎样的一种态度为自己的人生选择怎样的调料?
英文版
In
conclusion,the
reason
why
chaffy
dish
is
popular
and
why
love
it
is
because
no
matter
upon
direct
sense
or
spiritual
connotation
,it
is
a
kind
of
peerlessly
considerate
and
great
cate.
1.The
directest
reason
why
like
chaffy
dish
is
because
it
is
delicious.Its
taste
is
satisfactory
for
generations
of
people.It
is
approved
by
history.
2.Different
kinds
of
people
favour
different
tempreture
of
the
same
food.Tempreture
of
food
influences
people\'s
comments
concerning
it.Chaffy
dish
can
not
only
provides
really
hoy
food
but
also
food
which
is
a
bit
cold.So
chaffy
dish
suits
different
kinds
of
people.If
Chaffy
dish
were
human
being,he
or
she
is
really
considerate.
3.One
chaffy
dish
can
offer
many
kinds
of
taste
and
food
materials,original
or
flavoured.The
amount
of
individual
food
in
chaffy
dish
will
not
infuence
the
whole
taste
of
it.Eaters
don\'t
need
to
waste
or
endure。
4.
most
of
the
chaffy
dish
is
made
from
Chinese
medicines
which
are
good
for
health.In
spite
of
it
is
hot
sometimes,eaters
will
not
get
inflamed
after
eating
it.It
is
tasty
and
healthy.
5.Chaffy
dish
is
a
symbol
of
gathering
together
,
reunion
and
friendship.it
brings
peaceful
and
happy
feelings
concerning
the
impressions
of
families.Eating
chaffy
dish
together
will
avoid
loneliness
.Chaffy
dish
is
not
only
one
kind
of
dilecious
food
but
also
a
culture
which
is
of
cohesive
mechanism.
6.Chaffy
dish
is
able
to
remind
people
of
their
primary
values
because
food
of
chaffy
dish
is
tasteless
and
pure
at
the
beginning.People
will
think
about
themselves
when
eating
chaffy
dish――which
attitudes,ingredients
and
sauce
should
elect
for
my
life?