
pas de deux 这是芭蕾双人舞的意思Couple Dance 这是一般的双人舞 例句:pas de deux随着学生的控制-当首映时他们大多并未出生-这在陈旧的舞台上灯光和音乐中芭蕾双人舞仍旧吸引着一代又一代。With students at the controls - most of whom were not born when the show began its run - the pas de deux of light and music now played on oldies stations still draws a mix of generations.Couple Dance如果舞者的数目为偶数他们正在学习如何跳芭蕾舞的英文,两两成对,每一个人都有舞伴,我们说整屋子的人都很圆满地在跳双人舞。When there are an even number of dancers, everyone has a partner and the room is neatly described as couples dancing.
